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Panoramic view of Main and Center Streets H-492 Wait a few seconds for picture to load  Click on bar below arrows when photo is loaded

Unidentified Soldier Guarding Milford R.R. Bridge W.W.2   H-600

Brunswick Street Grammar School H-502

Ballards Golden Oil  Made on Davis St. Old Town, Me H-564

Old Town Police Force Late 1950's Early 60's  H-567

Old Town Trust Co.       H-546

Band Stand Old Town City Park 1950's H-463

New Central Movie House  H-467 H-543

Strand Theatre 1930's H-503

Back side of Main Street,  Middle St on left  H-509

Indian Island Ferry and Indian Agency and Carlton Canoe background  H-468

Sawyer Livery Stable H-511

Helenbrand Store H-465

Helenbrand's House H-542

Bangor Hydro Power Station  H-505

Civil War General Charles W. Roberts born in Old Town 1828  H-565

Log Jam at Black Island Bridge above Indian Island  May 1923   H-515

View of 7 th. St. from Jefferson St. H-500

High Street Old Town  H-388

Baptist Church Dedication of Babies  H-501

Folsom Block Fire   H-464

Roy Flanders Peanut and Popcorn H-447 , H-451

John Connors Business H-445

Cousins Hotel H-443 , H-495

Mutty's Drug Store   H-514

Thomas Connors Delivery Truck H-446

Morancy House Front St. Torn Down  H-497

First Train in Old Town  H-442

Bangor aand Piscatauiss RR Engine H-553

Old Town Academy Late 1800's  H-423

Bickmore Horse And Buggy with George gray and Mr. Bickmore H-422

Bickmore Photos H-435 , H-436, H-437 , H-438 , H-439

Parade Stillwater Ave. Near Old Armory  Around 1920      H-381A. , H-382 , H-383 , H-384 , H-385 , H-386

Shuffle Inn H-07 , H-306

Indian Island On Penobscot River Notice Veazie Railroad Bridge   H-541

Anchorage Hotel  H-299

Island School H-9

Old Fire Wagons and Trucks  H-316 , H-313, H-314

9 Mile Marathon Race Starting On Main St.    H-312

LaBree's Bakery New Building H-307

St. Germain's Garage H-267

14 Front St.   House where John Young lived in 1920 H-269

George Landrys Beer Parlor H-10

Cyr Trucking H-11 , P-100

Cyr's Bus H-12 , P-99

J.T. Cyr & Son Sleigh With Felix Cote Driving Early 1900'S   H-555

Frank Landrys Store H-13

O.G. Morin's Store in the Robins Block    P-101

O.G. Morin's Store McLeod Block  H-513

Morin Brothers Store South Main Street , 2-13 , P-97 , H-370

Morin Brothers Selling Fruit From Tent  P-96, P-98

South Main Street H-22 , H-228

Old Covered Bridge (Between Old Town and French Island) H-32

Old Steel Bridge (Between Old Town and French Island) H-36

Old Wooden Bridge to Milford  P-95

New Cement bridge to Milford P-94

Cornner Brunswick and Center St 1900   H-512

Paul Baillargeon Undertaker (with new hearse in the1930's) H-37

Center Street Looking towards French Island (notice Old Covered Bridge) 1870's, H-45, H-448

Beaulieu Brothers Store 1920's H-50 , H-290  P-93

Fransway Hotel 1920's H-51

Eagle Hotel  managed by Gusie Perro Later became Fransway Hotel H-450

Fire at Fransway Hotel  H-226 , H-244

Bridge Hotel  (Later became known as Commercial Block)  H-452

H.M.  Burnham 1900's H-230

Pulp Wood In River  H-231

P.C.F. Sorting Gap Wter St. H-325

Convent School (1885-1954) H-52

Marquis Market ( This was a meat market until 1927 then it became the Tourest Rest Cafe run by George Landry) H-60

Picture of French Island, Taken from an airplane H-70

Looking South on Main Street, Old Town H-75

North Main St. Showing Blanchard's Garage, Carl's Lunch  H-353, H-356

Ferry to Indian Island H-137  H-561

Penobscot Indian Band Old Town, Me. H-165

Indians on Penobscot River , H-24

Very Old Indian Picture H-554

Europeon and North American Railroad on Water Street ,( picture taken before 1875) P-1

Looking down RR tracks at old Catholic Church (1870's) P-2

The building of the Woolen Mill P-3

Looking north on Main Street (Notice Trolley) P-4 ,   H-225

Looking North on Main Street P-5 , H-449

Building on North Main Street (Old Veazie RR Bridge in background) P-6

Gilman Falls, before the dam P-7

The Flood of 1923, on Water Street P-8

Middle Street with Union Academy (which was built in 1849) in far background P-9

Middle Street showing Library and Canoe Factory H-379

Middle Street showing Old Fire Barn and Canoe Factory H-380 , H-510

South Main Street, looking north P-10

McKinley School P-11

Double Barrel Bridge, Stillwater (Built in 1836)(toll bridge until 1870 bought by Old Town for $2000 made it free) P-12

Main Street Old Town, P-13

North Main Street Showing Folsom Block built in 1869 P-15

Griss mill, Water Street P-16

Main Street in front of Gray's Hardware (Notice Covered Wagon) P-18

Gray's Shingle Mill Above Old Water Works May 1923  H-217

PCF Mill, Great Works, early 1900's P-17

Corner of Main and Center, (Banner showing U.S. Grant running for President of the U.S..picture taken 1874) P-19

Carlton Canoe Company, North Main Street 1890's in 1897 you could buy a new 18 foot canoe for $19.00 P-20

St. Joseph's Church H-140

Old St Joseph Church and Rectory H-135 , H-396

Inside St. Joseph's looking at alter H-134

Soldiers taking a break on Main St. after World War 1 H-132

Looking North on Main Street P-22 , H-392 , H-390

Main Street Snowed in Looking South  H-395

Flood of 1923, Main Street P-23 H-545

Corner of Center and Water Ben Sklar's Store P-24

Corner of Main and Center P-25 , H-224

Center Street 1890's P-26

Center St. 1940's H-507

Fire Wagon in parade P-27

City Hall in Old Town P-28

Old Town Town Hall  H-466

Train Wreck 1873, engineer killed buried in Orono Cemetary. .P-28-1

Saw Mill in Stillwater the chimney of this mill is still standing P-30 , H-506

Samuel Veazie Lumber Mill Old Town Burned down in 1870 P-29

Veazie Railroad Bridge ( picture taken 1860's) P-31

Codman House (1870's) The register of this hotel is at the Old Town Museum P-32

Old Town Railroad Station P-37 , H-387 , H-544

Trolley snowed in S.Main St.  H-389

Stillwater Fire Barn P-41

Corner of Middle and Brunswick St. near Library P-46

Water Street 1923 P-49

Corner of Middle and 4th Street P-50

High Water North Main St. P-51

Sawdust bridge to Indian Island, The sawdust kept the ice from melting until late in the spring P-71

St.Mary's Church P-64

Universalist Church S. Main St.  H-540

Ginsburg Variety Store P-69

Bridge on Gilman Falls Ave. , This bridge is across Pushaw Stream P-60

Bickmore Gall Building, P-70

Corner of Center and Main (early 1900's) P-68

Stillwater Covered Bridge P-66 , H-508

Bridge on Bennoch Road, This bridge is across Pushaw Stream P-62

Pea Cove Boom In the 1800's all the logs destined for the mills in Stillwater ond Orono passed through here P-61

Below Indian Island before dam, At this time there were no dams between Old Town and the ocean P-67

Bangor and Piscataquis Railroad Bridge (built in 1869) P-63

Across the river to Indian Island P-72

Indian Island Convent and Church  H-394

Tearing Down of Universalist Church South Main Street, P-73

Tearing down Of Woolen Mill. P-74

Paddle Boat between Old Town and Winn, last trip in 1867 P-75

Woolen Mill North Main Street Old Town picture taken from Milford side of river P-76

Workers in American Woolen Mill H-369

Corner of Main and Center Street P-77

Old Town High School until 1953 P-78

Helen Hunt School notice it is only half the size it is now. P-79

Main Street after a snow storm P-80

ESSO gas station corner of Center St. and Main operated for years by Frank Geroux P-81

Old Town City Hall all dressed up for some holiday P-82

Center Street showing the Post Office and Masonic Hall P-83

Old Town Canoe Co. P-84 , H-444

Filling Station on North Main St. across form Woolen Mill (6 Gallons of gas $1.00) P-85

Burning of stores on conner of Main and Stillwater Ave. (Building still standing in 1998) P-87 . H-300

Fire at Merrill Trust Bank  H-354, H-355

Old Town Woolen Mill P-88

American Woolen Mill  H-327

Moose river Shoe Co. P-89

Open trolley on conner of Main and Middle Street P-90

The First Old Town Woolen Mill P-91

St. Mary's Church P-92

Bank H-999

Methodist Church Brunswick St. H-499

Main Central Engine H-504


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